Hosting Packages

VPS Server

Duration Duration Duration
1 years 1 years 1 years
@549/monthly @699/monthy @899/monthly
VPS - Dual Core/2CPU Dual Core 3 Core
VPS - RAM : 2 GB Dura RAM : 2 GBtion RAM : 3 GB
Durati VPS Disk : 40 GB on Disk Space : 60 GB  Disk Space : 90 GB 
Bandwidth : 1 TB Bandwidth : 2 TB  Bandwidth : 3000 GB 
Spamassassin with every VPS Spamassassin included  Spamassassin included 
Full root/ssh for VPS Full root/ssh access Full root/ssh access 
Malware Injection Scan for VPS Server Realtime Malware Injection Scan  Realtime Malware Injection Scan 
PHP Vulnerability Check VPS Realtime PHP Vulnerability Check  Realtime PHP Vulnerability Check 
Inbuilt CSS/JS optimizer Inbuilt CSS/JS optimizer Inbuilt CSS/JS optimizer 
Bandwidth : Inbuilt CSS/JS optimizer FREE SSL Certificate  FREE SSL Certificate 
★High Priority Support ★High Priority Support ★High Priority Support 
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Dedicated Server

Duration Duration Duration
1 years 1 years 1 years
@3299/monthly @4799/monthly @6799/monthly
Dedicated - Disk Space : 512 GB Dedicated - Disk Space : 1 TB Dedicated - Disk Space : 1.5 TB
Dedicated - CPU: 4 Core (9.60 GHz) Dedicated - CPU: 4 Core (9.60 GHz) Dedicated - CPU: 6 Core (14.4 GHz)
Dedicated - RAM : 6 GB Dedicated - RAM : 16 GB  Dedicated - RAM : 24 GB
Dedicated - Bandwidth : 5 TB Dedicated - Bandwidth : 10 TB Dedicated - Bandwidth : 10 TB
Dedicated - IP Address : 1 Dedicated - IP Address : 1  Dedicated - IP Address : 1 
FREE Varnish Server FREE Varnish Server FREE Varnish Server 
FREE Website Optimization Dedicated - FREE Website Optimization  FREE Website Optimization 
Spamassassin included with server Spamassassin included with server  Spamassassin included with server 
Dedicated - Full root/ssh access Dedicated - Full root/ssh access Dedicated - Full root/ssh access
Dedicated - Realtime Malware Injection Scan Dedicated - Realtime Malware Injection Scan  Dedicated - Realtime Malware Injection Scan 
Dedicated - Inbuilt CSS/JS optimizer Dedicated - Inbuilt CSS/JS optimizer Dedicated - Inbuilt CSS/JS optimizer
Dedicated - FREE SSL Certificate Dedicated - FREE SSL Certificate Dedicated - FREE SSL Certificate
★Dedicated - High Priority Support ★Dedicated - High Priority Support ★Dedicated - High Priority Support
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