Mean Stack Web Development
A MEAN stack developer is a person who has knowledge in certain areas of devlopment. MEAN stack development can refer to the development process which falls within these particular set of technologies MongoDB, Expressjs, AngularJs, NodeJS.
MEAN is comprised of 4 different technologies:
MongoDB express is basically a schemaless NoSQL database system
Express JS is a framework applied to build web applications in Node
AngularJS is a JavaScript framework made by Google
Node.js is a server-side JavaScript execution environment
AJAX Programming Skill Sets
AJAX based products & Web applications
Interactive web application with rich user interface
Reverse AJAX techniques, also known as COMET programming
Expertise in JavaScript libraries such as jQuery, prototype
Interactive client side validation in web pages with JavaScript libraries & AJAX
Instant chat messenger built explicitly with AJAX
The common denominator for all technologies which are part of the MEAN stack is the JavaScript language. MEAN, which is an acronym for MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.JS, can support notable feature sets including event-driven architecture, prototypal object orientation, closures, etc. across the board. The reason why application development in MEAN is so popular with the developers is because it needs knowledge of only a single language - JavaScript, to develop feature-rich applications. This is much different than, say, working with Ruby, Python, or Java on a server level, and then using JavaScript in the browser.
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